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Freedom From Pornography

In every culture, there are some behaviors or habits of sinful nature that are overwhelmingly destructive if measures are not taken. In the modern world, pornography addiction is a soul-destroying habit that leads to adultery. Is lasting freedom from pornography possible? Or is it just a dream that doesn’t come true?

We live in a world where all manner of addictions occur. It’s a world stuffed with a variety of appetites and cravings, leaving everyone vulnerable. However, at Global Freedom Ministries, we believe you can live a holy and healthy life by the power of God’s gospel.

Pornography hijacks the brain of a person and distorts their affections. People often fail to consider how the physical body affects one’s soul. The human brain affects our psychological experience, so it is helpful to understand how it operates.

Reasons Why Porn Use Becomes a Destructive Habit

Porn rewires the user's brain

Nudity and other sexually explicit materials trigger mirror neurons in the brain. These neurons are involved in the process of mimicking a behavior. In the case of pornography, the mirror neurons trigger arousal, which causes sexual tension and a need for an immediate outlet. Getting a release through porn can lead to neurological and hormonal consequences, which bind someone to the object of focus.

According to the plan of God, it is your spouse. Instead, the focus goes to the image on the screen. Thus, pornography enslaves the viewer to an image and hijacks the biological response that bonds a man to his wife. In the long run, the bond becomes weak.

Triggers your body's natural reward system

Dopamine plays a significant role in the brain system and is responsible for reward-driven learning. Every reward type increases the dopamine transmission level in the brain. Dopamine also surges when exposed to a new stimulus, especially if it is sexual or when stimuli is more arousing than earlier perceived.

Since erotic images trigger more dopamine than sex with a familiar partner, continuous exposure to pornography causes arousal addiction. It causes the brain to become less satisfied with real-life sexual partners.

Take the Right Steps to Freedom

Although people are called to lead a holy life free from sexual immorality (1Thessalonians 4: 3-8), many cannot break loose from the chains of shame and lust caused by pornography. At Global Freedom Ministries, we believe that anyone can enjoy freedom from the shackles of pornography through God’s grace. Here are some helpful steps:

Confess and repent

Don’t stay stuck in guilt and shame. Start confessing your sins by acknowledging that pornography is sinful and God views it as destructive to humankind and against his character. Don’t condemn yourself, but repent knowing that Jesus already paid the price for your sins.

Affirm God has forgiven you

After you confess that porn is a sin, affirm God’s forgiveness and know that He calls us clean and forgiven.

Seek transformation

God forgives our sins and lusts and gives us the power to overcome those sins as we meditate upon his word daily or frequently (Romans 12: 1-2). As you address your behavior patterns, seek God’s transforming grace.


Look for someone you trust and allow them to hold you accountable for your actions. You can explain to them you have an addiction to porn, but that you are striving to be free from it. Permit them to inquire about what you are feeding yourself when you are alone. Our able pastors at Global Freedom Ministries are there to guide you every step of the way.

We Are Here for You

Don’t give up! You are not alone. We are here to help you yield to God and overcome porn addiction. Trust the grace of God and his immeasurable power over sin. Global Freedom ministries is committed to helping you get freedom from enslavement to sin by sharing God’s word.