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Therapy for Sexual Compulsivity

Any addiction, including sex addiction, represents an unhealthy way of dealing with emotions. Addiction starts with a trigger that causes elevated tension, feelings, moods, negative thoughts, and behaviors.

Sex addiction is as real as substance addiction and it has several adverse consequences, ranging from physical issues, like STIs, to emotional and mental distress. The addiction can also interfere with daily activities as persistent sexual thoughts linger in one’s mind. A person with sex addiction finds it hard to control sexual urges or behaviors.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:18, “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually sins against their own body.”

We understand that sex addiction is very personal and deeply attached to the affected person. But is there a solution to sexual addiction? The good news is that there is hope for those who feel enslaved.

How Global Freedom Ministries Programs Help you Overcome Sexual Addiction

At Global Freedom Ministries, our sexual addictions programs are designed to help you break from the shackles of unwanted sexual behavior. Our goal is to help struggling individuals live a healthy and holy life, enjoying freedom from the captivity of sin. Here are steps to help you or someone you know overcome sex addiction:

Admit the addiction

The first step towards the recovery journey is to accept that you are struggling with the addiction. Our programs involve helping people practice spiritual habits that help them connect with God. We believe that sex addiction is a powerless problem that requires God’s ultimate power to overcome it.

Get educated about the addiction

You cannot overcome something that you don’t have a good understanding of. At Global freedom Ministries, we educate affected people about how addiction starts, it’s signs, and consequences. Also, participants learn about how to overcome sexual addiction in a godly way.


One of the quickest ways of overcoming addictions is being accountable for your actions. Accountability starts by sharing your behavioral change goals with someone you trust and then reporting failure or success regularly.

Support system

You cannot recover from any type of addiction in isolation. Recovery requires openness, honesty, and connections with trusted people. The recovery process also requires a person to start living life differently. At Global Freedom Ministries, we have a sound support system that meets the needs individual relationships don’t.

A person trying to recover from an addictive pattern may require several interventions like coping skills, support, accountability, and hope. While a one-on-one relationship may offer some of these things, group support can provide all of them.

Seek Out Help and Enjoy Freedom

An adage goes, “a problem shared is a problem half solved .”Don’t be quiet while wallowing in the shame and guilt of sex addiction. Global Freedom Ministries is here to help you overcome the addiction with healthy coping mechanisms that prevent relapse. Visit us today.